Awesome The Shipping Container Cafe in Malang Indonesia

Resto and Coffe House must have been established in the area of ​​Malang City and its surroundings. But one cafe with another cafe must have a difference in terms of facilities and services provided. It is not wrong if many cafes in Malang City offer a variety of exclusive and superior facilities in order to compete with other cafes to attract the hearts of visitors and tourists. One of the Cafe and Resto in Malang City that offers various interesting facilities is this Ria Djenaka Coffee & Resto. The cafe and restaurant itself is located on Jl. Bandung No. 5, Malang precisely in the south of Malang Brawijaya Museum. Resto Ria Djenaka Coffee House Malang is famous for its location which is just right for hanging out or gathering with friends, relatives, spouses to families. Here you can enjoy a variety of culinary delights, both cuisine and drinks, which are certainly ready to satisfy you while you are at this Djenaka Malang Ria Cafe and Resto. The menu offered is varied, ranging from traditional to international dishes, you can find easily at this cafe. As for some other snacks and snacks in Ria Djenaka, such as Petruk Bread, Cheese Cassava, Srikandi, Rama Shinta, Zupa-Zupa, Tahu Genjrot, Bakmi Singapore and many other main course menus.

In addition to the light menu, there is no excellent performance from Coffe, which is indeed a prime dish at Ria Djenaka Coffee & Resto. There are various Coffe variants offered by this restaurant ranging from Java Arabica, Toraja or Aceh Gayo, Coffee Collin ', Capuccino Choco Chips, Orange Ice Coffee, Hot Coffee People, Lampung Coffe, White Hazelnut etc. Accompanied by the tempo doeloe atmosphere of Ria Djenaka and Free Wi-Fi makes the sensation of hanging out more relaxed and comfortable. At Djenaka Cafe Ria there is also a live music performence that carries classical acoustic and song music every night.

Resto and Coffe House must have been established in the area of ​​Malang City and its surroundings. But one cafe with another cafe must have a difference in terms of facilities and services provided. It is not wrong if many cafes in Malang City offer a variety of exclusive and superior facilities in order to compete with other cafes to attract the hearts of visitors and tourists. One of the Cafe and Resto in Malang City that offers various interesting facilities is this Ria Djenaka Coffee & Resto. The cafe and restaurant itself is located on Jl. Bandung No. 5, Malang precisely in the south of Malang Brawijaya Museum. Resto Ria Djenaka Coffee House Malang is famous for its location which is just right for hanging out or gathering with friends, relatives, spouses to families. Here you can enjoy a variety of culinary delights, both cuisine and drinks, which are certainly ready to satisfy you while you are at this Djenaka Malang Ria Cafe and Resto. The menu offered is varied, ranging from traditional to international dishes, you can find easily at this cafe. As for some other snacks and snacks in Ria Djenaka, such as Petruk Bread, Cheese Cassava, Srikandi, Rama Shinta, Zupa-Zupa, Tahu Genjrot, Bakmi Singapore and many other main course menus.

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