Container Restaurant Cost

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Talking about Container Restaurat Of course we talk about that COST 

At first take, reusing something that nobody wants should make for significant savings on construction. While the cost of the boxes themselves, which are typically $3,000 or less, may be fairly cheap, that doesn't translate into great savings on the overall project. "The reason people start thinking about it is that it seems easy and inexpensive," Lance says. "Both of those ideas are incorrect." Often, container-built buildings turn out to be about the same cost as those constructed by traditional methods, he says.
Converting containers into usable buildings requires cutting openings for windows, doors and utility lines. These structures often require the installation of insulation and finishes for the interior as well as the exterior. Operators that want to stack these units will have to add structural supports. While similar to traditional construction, most of the techniques to do this work require tradespeople experienced in container conversions because the tight quarters of the structures don't leave much room for error

Using shipping containers to construct buildings represents a relatively new concept, so most local permitting agencies and some state agencies are unfamiliar with it. That leads to many questions from inspectors and lengthy permitting processes, adding time to the project schedule and costs — particularly for those who engage in a community's first container project. "Building inspectors know all about two by fours, but they don't understand how shipping containers work in a structure

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